Civilization resides inside three walls, the last location where humans still live. Over one hundred years ago, humanity was driven to the brink of extinction after the emergence of humanoid giants called Titans, who attack and eat humans on sight. The last remnants of humanity retreated behind three concentric walls and enjoyed nearly a century of peace.

In the year 845, Wall Maria, the outermost of three circular walls protecting humanity from Titans, is breached by two new types of Titans, named the Colossal Titan (alternatively named the Colossus) and the Armored Titan.

To combat Titans, the nation's military employs Omni-Directional Mobility Gear (3DMG), a set of waist-mounted grappling hooks and gas-powered propulsion enabling immense mobility in three dimensions. some people are mysteriously granted the ability to shift into sentient titans, an asset well in the interest of the military, though not all those who possess it are publicly known shifters.

[ set in the world of attack on titan - the rp plot may diverge from the story itself, even if all the settings themselves are the same. the direction the plot takes is dependent on how the rp goes. ^__^ ]

⋆ be 16+
⋆ no nsfw with minors
⋆ you don't rlly need to know the anime/manga to join
⋆ no ooc drama
⋆ 8 day dating ban
⋆ pls be mindful of triggers from the op list
⋆ you can base your character off of a chara from aot if you want, but it's preferred that you don't !

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mark (nct)natalie18+none
yoshi (treasure)madmaxmnrnone
soojin (g-idle)orbitmnrsexualisation / romatisation of daddy issues
kun (nct)jiamnrdieting, eds, weight, the sound of gunshots
karina (aespa)n18+bpd, gaslighting, indirecting, dolls
ten (nct)roi19cults + deep waters
yuta (nct) on hold   
bx (cix)kaulder18+deep waters